President’s message:   Educators must vote to defend the right to bargain

President’s message: Educators must vote to defend the right to bargain

Education Minnesota President, Denise Specht’s message: Educators must vote to defend the right to bargain – A simple reminder from the 2022 campaign trail: Working Minnesotans have more in common with each other than we do with the billionaires and giant corporations who control so much of American politics.

President’s message: Ready or not, the fall’s political campaigns have begun

President’s message: Ready or not, the fall’s political campaigns have begun

Education Minnesota President, Denise Specht’s message: There was no good reason for the Republican members of the Minnesota Senate to pack up and stop negotiating before the deadline to pass bills during the 2022 session of the Minnesota Legislature, but there was a bad one: Election-year politics.

President’s message: Safety has always been defined by local educators, students

President’s message: Safety has always been defined by local educators, students

There has never been a single definition of safety for Minnesota educators since the novel coronavirus shut down our school buildings last year. Instead, our union has acknowledged that each educator’s definition of a safe worksite would depend on the latest science and local conditions.