Officer listening tour inspires media series highlighting unsustainable working, learning conditions

Officer listening tour inspires media series highlighting unsustainable working, learning conditions

The Education Minnesota officers have been visiting local unions and intermediate organizations through the fall, hearing members tell stories in every part of the state about how their work this year feels unsustainable.

Unity campaign needed now more than ever, says leaders

Unity campaign needed now more than ever, says leaders

Education Minnesota’s Unity Campaign focuses on electing pro-public education candidates and pushing them for the funding our schools and students. But the organizing happening in locals through the worksite unity leaders means much more, given the pandemic and racial justice movement. Learn how to join the campaign at


Opportunities: Teacher of the Year nominations open

Teacher of the Year nominations open Nominations are now open for the 2022 Minnesota Teacher of the Year award, and remain open through Nov. 15. Nominations can be submitted online by accessing a simple nomination form on Eligible nominees must meet these criteria: Teach in a public or nonpublic Pre-K through 12th-grade school or…

Member highlights: Bagley teacher puts apps to the test during online learning

Member highlights: Bagley teacher puts apps to the test during online learning

When the COVID-19 pandemic closed school buildings in 2020, Amanda Everhart of Bagley was just like any other educator, trying to change the entire way she taught her lessons. For Everhart, it also provided an opportunity to see if any of the online apps she was now going to be using could help improve her…


Member highlights: Educators of color forums invite all members to join

Educators of color forums invite all members to join Education Minnesota’s Educator of Color Forums are the creation of Education Minnesota’s Ethnic Minority Affairs Committee (EMAC), an advisory body that focuses on ethnic minority issues in Minnesota schools. These forums provide space for members of color to connect, share, network and advocate for what educators…

Member highlights: Love of learning, language guides Benjamin’s teaching career

Member highlights: Love of learning, language guides Benjamin’s teaching career

Her own personal love of learning and language is what inspired Natalia Benjamin to become a teacher, and helping her students find their own voice within language and the world is part of why she was named the 2021 Minnesota Teacher of the Year. “Students can find their voice and realize that as they understand and…

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Member highlights: SPFE honored for solidarity after strike

“Who are we? SPFE” was heard across the entire city of Saint Paul during a three-day span in March 2020. The members of the Saint Paul Federation of Educators, which include licensed and non-licensed staff, went on strike March 10-12, 2020 after nine months of contract negotiations. Education Minnesota is honoring their work and dedication…