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Who we are

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From preservice teachers who are studying to enter the profession to retired educators who still work through the union to support colleagues in the classrooms, lunchrooms and college lecture halls, Education Minnesota spans generations in academic settings. 

Education Minnesota is made up of 477 local unions. Each is organized to meet the specific needs of members in their job settings and communities. 

Our purpose

Education Minnesota is the leading advocate for public education in Minnesota.

Our members work in pre-K-12 schools and higher education institutions statewide. They include:

  • Education support professionals.
  • Faculty at several university campuses, community and technical colleges.
  • College students preparing for an education career.
  • Retired educators who have devoted their lives to students.

Education Minnesota gives “voice” to the issues that affect educators and their students. We make sure our members’ voices are heard anywhere decisions get made that affect public education—whether it’s at the state Capitol, in Washington, D.C., or with local school administrators.

Our leaders

Executive team

Education Minnesota’s leaders are guided by our statements of principle, our strategic plan, and our constitution and bylaws.

Each spring, more than 500 elected delegates meet to set policy and direction for our organization at our annual business meeting, the Representative Convention.

Governing Board

Our governing board meets throughout the year to set dues, adopt a budget and carry out directives passed at the annual meeting.

Get to know the educators elected to represent Education Minnesota members around the state.

Our history

Education Minnesota was formed in 1998 when the Minnesota Education Association and the Minnesota Federation of Teachers merged. MEA, originally called the Minnesota State Teachers Association, started in 1861. MFT began as the Grade Teachers Organization in 1898.

Education Minnesota is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association and the AFL-CIO. Through your membership, you belong to these organizations that collaborate to provide a unified voice for public education and educators.