Monica Byron was elected vice president of Education Minnesota at the Representative Convention April 23, 2022. She took office July 1, 2022 and is serving a three-year term.
Byron has taught for 24 years in Richfield Public Schools. She most recently worked as an elementary math coach.
Byron has held many local union positions as a member of Education Richfield, including treasurer, membership chair, government relations chair and vice president. Byron has also been very active in Education Minnesota and at the national level, including five years on the Governing Board, serving on numerous committees and attending trainings and conferences.
Byron is a founding member of Education Minnesota’s Ethnic Minority Affairs Committee. After attending a National Education Association Minority Leadership Training, Byron and others from Minnesota came back committee to engage and connect members of color in their state and local unions. EMAC was formed and continues today.
Byron is the first Black person to serve on Education Minnesota’s officer team.
Byron looks forward to strengthen Education Minnesota, help transform the public mindset of education and work to retain and engage all members, especially BIPOC members.
Professional teaching experience
- Elementary districtwide math coach, Richfield
- Elementary instructional coach, Richfield
- Second and third grade teacher, Richfield
- Home/school liaison (working with elementary students and families), Richfield
- M.S. Education, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
- Post-Bachelorette Teaching License, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
- Bachelor of Science, Rhetoric, Speech Communications and African American Studies, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Byron lives in Richfield with her husband, a low-voltage network technician and I.B.E.W member, and two young adult children.