2023 Teacher of the Year Houston centers community, connection, fun in his classroom

2023 Teacher of the Year Houston centers community, connection, fun in his classroom

Michael Houston’s teaching philosophy has always been centered upon creating classroom community, and in light of the recent pandemic and the ongoing trauma his students have endured, Houston’s daily goal is to also have fun with and love on his kids.

St. Francis office professionals, bus drivers build solidarity during prolonged contract campaigns

St. Francis office professionals, bus drivers build solidarity during prolonged contract campaigns

“We’re worth more!” became the rallying cry in St. Francis when the office professionals and bus drivers bargaining units were building toward a strike if the district didn’t settle contracts that respected and valued their work.

President’s message: Legislative session is over, now we must bargain boldly

President’s message: Legislative session is over, now we must bargain boldly

Education Minnesota President, Denise Specht’s message: The negotiations for our new contracts this spring are the chance to complete the work that started a year ago when so many of us campaigned to elect the first pro-education majorities to lead state government in a decade. Read more.


Child labor revelations warrant greater scrutiny and action against employers who break the law

As much as we would like to believe that child labor no longer exists in our country or our state, that is sadly not the case. In December, a Wisconsin company called Packers Sanitation Services, Inc., agreed to pay a $1.5 million civil penalty…Read more


Pension legislation moving through committees, TRA Board election voting open until April 21

Education Minnesota continues its work on pension improvements this legislative session as it always has. Legislation has been introduced and debate has begun, members across the state are engaging in their local and state advocacy plans to get legislative support and Education Minnesota staff have been meeting with legislators and the governor regularly and continue to push them to increase their support for educator pensions. Read more.