
Senate Republicans must keep their promises to Minnesota’s students and pass a meaningful education bill

Education Minnesota President Denise Specht called on Senate Majority Leader Jeremy Miller, R-Winona, to honor his commitment, negotiate a K-12 education bill that meets the real needs of students, and agree to pass it into law during a short special session.  


School workers, legislative leaders demand action on unemployment insurance fix for hourly school staff 

Minnesota school workers, along with parents, union leaders and legislative leaders, on Wednesday demanded that any deal on the unemployment trust fund include a fix on a decades-old exclusion of hourly school workers from unemployment insurance.  


Education Minnesota applauds Gov. Walz for addressing student hunger and mental health in State of the State speech

Gov. Tim Walz presented real solutions to challenges in Minnesota’s schools, including student hunger and untreated mental illness, during his State of the State speech Sunday evening. In response, Education Minnesota President Denise Specht released the following statement.

11 selected as Teacher of the Year finalists

11 selected as Teacher of the Year finalists

The 2022 Minnesota Teacher of the Year will be chosen from a group of 11 teachers from across the state who have been named finalists in the program. An independent selection panel of 22 leaders in the areas of education, business, government and nonprofits selected the finalists from a group of 25 semifinalists. There were 77 candidates for this program year.