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Please note: Your MEA Online account is not the same as your Education Minnesota account.
Member Portal
Log in to Education Minnesota to access bargaining resources, member benefits, and more.
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Please note: Your MEA Online account is not the same as your Education Minnesota account.
The AFT TEACH Conference, a biennial event devoted to professional development, will be held July 24-27 in Washington, D.C. Your local president should have an information packet from the American Federation of Teachers that includes a tentative schedule, hotel and conference registration forms.
The NEA Representative Assembly, the major decision-making body for NEA, is scheduled to meet in Portland, OR, July 2-6, 2025. All active Education Minnesota members are eligible to run to be a state-credentialed delegate to the NEA RA. The filing period closes Dec. 13. Interested members may file by submitting the designated filing form to the Elections Committee. Filing forms are also available on Education Minesota’s website.
Filing period open for Education Minnesota officer, governing board, NEA director positions Candidate filings for Education Minnesota officers and National Education Association director positions are open. Candidate filings for Education Minnesota’s governing board election district positions were opened Nov. 4.
Each year, Education Minnesota presents several awards to members in recognition of their outstanding achievements. Presented at the annual Representative Convention, these awards include the Human Rights Award, the Peterson-Schaubach Outstanding Leadership Award and the We Are One Solidarity Award.
The Collective Bargaining and Organizing Conference will be held on Jan. 24-25, 2025, in Bloomington. Every two years, this conference brings together organizers, negotiators and advocates to learn best practices for bargaining and contract negotiations, including how to build unity across locals and incorporate more open and inclusive practices in bargaining.
Thousands of members of Education Minnesota decide to contribute to the union’s political action committee. The PAC is one of our main tools to bring the educator voice to the policy debate by electing people who will listen. Those PAC dollars go back to local unions to help them win school board and levy elections, as well as support pro-public education candidates at the state and national level.
Thousands of members of Education Minnesota decide to contribute to the union’s political action committee. The PAC is one of our main tools to bring the educator voice to the policy debate by electing people who will listen. Those PAC dollars go back to local unions to help them win school board and levy elections, as well as support pro-public education candidates at the state and national level.
October’s MEA conference has many great workshops and sessions for education support professionals. Below is a description of some of the offerings that are available at the MEA conference and through MEA Online.
The AFT TEACH Conference, a biennial event devoted to professional development, will be held July 24-27 in Washington, D.C.