Home Minnesota Educator Upcoming NEA RA State-Credentialed delegate elections in locals with contested races

Upcoming NEA RA State-Credentialed delegate elections in locals with contested races

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Education Minnesota members should also watch for local elections taking place in their local union and zone for members wanting to be delegates to the NEA’s Representative Assembly.

Members will be electing election district state-credentialed delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly, which will be held July 3-7, in Philadelphia. Election district-level elections will be conducted during a 15-day window (weekdays only) beginning Feb. 19 and ending March 8. Many election districts had fewer candidates than available delegate seats and those members were elected by acclamation.

All candidates had the opportunity to submit a statement and/or photograph. These statements and photos appear on the Education Minnesota website. Members may view the statements online by going to www.educationminnesota.org, signing into the member portal and then clicking on the Elections tab. Printed voters guides will also be available for members in election districts where elections will be held.