
Education budget, Walz investments, create lasting, equitable investments in Minnesota schools

Gov. Tim Walz and the Minnesota Legislature are poised to make strategic, long-term investments that bring the state’s financial support of public schools closer to Education Minnesota’s goal of full and equitable funding of public education.


Education budget deal large enough to prevent and reverse layoffs, invests in increasing teachers of color

A tentative agreement on the state’s two-year education budget invests enough in public schools to roll back the recent rounds of layoffs and makes important investments in diversifying the state’s teaching corps, said Denise Specht, president of Education Minnesota.


Budget deal may protect schools but doesn’t solve long-term funding problems in education

The state budget deal announced Monday left open many decisions about funding public education while signaling to local districts that they should stop the current round of devastating cuts and layoffs. Education Minnesota President Denise Specht noted the deal also fails to sustainably invest in Minnesota schools.