Home Advocacy At the Legislature

At the Legislature

The decisions state legislators make affect your classroom, school and profession. State funding dictates what districts can do about class sizes, special education caseloads, even the condition of your building.

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What we do

Education Minnesota has paid lobbyists and hundreds of fellow Minnesota educators fighting for you at the Capitol, connecting with legislators and other state officials to ensure their voices are heard when decisions are made. We track legislation, keep you informed and arm you with the resources you need to influence public policy.

A lot of people think they know what’s best for students without asking educators. Your union gives you a seat at the table because educators know what’s best for students.

What we’re fighting for

A strong system of public schools, one that gives every Minnesota student an equal opportunity for success – no matter what they look like or where they come from – will strengthen our communities and improve the lives of children and their families. 

If we are serious about making sure every student can pursue their dreams, our state needs to get serious about funding what works.  

Here are just some of the issues we’re prioritizing at the state Capitol.

Minnesota teachers make 28% less on average compared to other workers with the same education level. Education support professionals only make minimum wage in many areas, and often don’t make enough to cover their health insurance costs. The state must make direct investments in the compensation of educators.

Educator pension plans are designed as a tool for employers to attract skilled workers and get them to stay in the profession, often with the same employer until they retire. The Minnesota Legislature needs to examine the breadth of options available to make teaching attractive. That includes enhanced retirement benefits that recognize and reward teachers’ hard work on behalf of students.

Health insurance costs for educators have soared in the past decade, and are rising faster than wage increases for many. We’re pushing for the creation of a mandatory state health insurance pool for all school employees to lower costs.

Minnesota’s share of funding for public school districts hasn’t kept pace with inflation. It’s time for Minnesota to fully fund public education to give students and educators the safe and racially just schools they deserve. The state needs to invest billions of dollars into strategies proven to help our students succeed.

Everyone who works in public education deserves the same things. Respect for their contribution to the care and education of our students. Fair compensation for their work, including affordable health care. Safe working conditions. Unfortunately, most education support professionals (ESPs) across Minnesota don’t get enough of any of those.

Education Minnesota supports students’ right to learn an accurate and honest history of our nation, both the good and the bad, so they can learn from our mistakes and create a better future for all Minnesotans. This includes ensuring media literacy for our students and expanding media library specialists, expanding ethnic studies, preventing book bans and protecting a teacher’s right to create the standards-aligned curriculum, based on their professional training and experience.

Get involved

The most effective advocates for public schools are you and your colleagues. Get involved!

Lobby Days

The most effective advocates for public schools in Minnesota are the front-line educators who guide our students toward successful lives every day, which is why Education Minnesota has made it easier than ever for members to participate in lobby days.

Take action

Write a letter to the editor

Write a letter to the editor and submit to your local newspaper(s) on major education issues. We make it easy with our LTE templates!

Email your legislators

Tell legislators to support Education Minnesota’s pension bill

Minnesota’s school staffing shortage is at crisis levels. We need competitive pay and benefits that attract the best educators to the profession and keep them in our schools. The Minnesota Legislature needs to pass enhanced retirement benefits that recognize and reward teachers’ hard work on behalf of students.

Email LCPR members in support of our pension bill

The Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement needs to support enhanced retirement benefits that recognize and reward teachers’ hard work on behalf of students. Email LCPR members and urge them to support our pension bill that would establish a career rule, reduce penalties and make improvements to cost-of-living adjustments for new and current retirees.

Tell state leaders to invest in educator pay, pensions & health care

Better wages. A respectable retirement. Affordable health care. Educators are worth more! Email Gov. Tim Walz and your state legislators and tell them to invest state funding into the professionals who shape our state’s future through better pay, pensions and health care.

Raise educator wages using state funding

Teachers in Minnesota are paid 28% less than other college-educated workers, while many education support professionals make minimum wage. It’s past time for the state to make direct investments in the compensation of its educators.

Support a statewide health insurance pool for educators

Health insurance costs are rising faster than wage increases for many educators. Write your legislators and urge them to support a statewide health insurance pool for all school employees. No one should be forced to choose between health care and putting food on the table or a roof over their heads!

Raise revenue to protect our schools, invest in educators

State leaders are deciding on a budget that will show how they plan to respond to Trump’s attack on public education. We must ensure Minnesota’s wealthiest and large corporations pay what they truly owe in taxes so we can protect our schools and invest in improvements to educator pay, pensions and health care. Policymakers need to hear from you now.

Support the ESP Bill of Rights

Everyone who works in public education deserves the same things. Unfortunately, most education support professionals don’t get enough respect in their schools, fair compensation for their work or safe working conditions. Contact your legislators urging them to support our ESP Bill of Rights to benefit these professionals.