Home Minnesota Educator October-November 2022 Apply today to go to 2023 AFT TEACH

Apply today to go to 2023 AFT TEACH professional development conference as a state-funded attendee

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The American Federation of Teachers’ TEACH (Together Educating America’s Children) Conference, a biennial event devoted to professional development, will be held July 20-23, in Washington, D.C.

Education Minnesota will provide funding for one member from each election district, as well as one statewide/higher education member and one education support professional member, to attend the conference. Members who would like to apply for state funding should complete the form found at https://cvent.me/2OmVPG by Friday, Dec. 9.

The conference brings together educators, union leaders, administrators, activists, and civic and community leaders for high-quality professional learning workshops. TEACH will also provide innovative work, exciting demonstrations of the latest educational technology, thought-provoking keynote speakers and much more.

All local presidents should receive an information packet from the AFT that includes a tentative schedule, hotel and conference registration forms. The AFT plans to begin mailing packets in mid-April. Local presidents who have not received information by May 1 can contact Laura Brown at AFT at 202-393-6389 or lbrown@aft.org. For more information about the conference, go to www.aft.org/teach.

The selection of state-funded participants will be made the week of Dec. 12-16, and those awarded funding will be notified and sent the necessary information. Priority will be given to first-time attendees. Funding includes conference registration, airfare, hotel accommodations and meals.

All members are welcome to attend at their own expense.

If you have questions, contact Janel Engesser at 800-652-9073 ext. 4867, 651-292-4867 or by email at janel.engesser@edmn.org.