Home Minnesota Educator October-November 2022 2022-23 Education Minnesota Foundation grants

2022-23 Education Minnesota Foundation grants

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The Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has multiple grants available this year. For details about the grants and how to apply, go to www.edmnfoundation.org. There’s a grant waiting for you!

Professional Development Grants for teachers, ESPs and higher education faculty

Awarded twice a year, ESPs and teachers may request up to $1,500, and higher education faculty may request up to $3,000 to take the lead in acquiring and sharing new skills and knowledge. These skills might include new instructional ideas, technology, working with parents, attending a conference, etc.

A Professional Development Grant can also be used for groups to either attend professional development or be trained at their worksite.

Deadlines: Nov. 4 and April 7

National Board Certified Teachers Scholarship
Members can receive $500 per component, up to $1,000 total. Deadline: Nov. 4

Classroom-Focused Grants
Applicants may request up to $3,000 for a project you design now and implement in the upcoming school year. These grants are available to licensed personnel who wish to improve their practice and student achievement. Deadline: Dec. 2

Second-Year Classroom Grants
Previous classroom-focused grant recipients may request up to $3,000 to expand on their original objectives, and who have the potential to realize additional goals based on the learning and outcomes of their first grant. Deadline: April 7

IMPACT Grant projects must be coordinated by an active member of Education Minnesota who has teamed up with a nonprofit organization or their local union/school district. Approximately $15,000 is available for one year. The budget should reflect a one-year project. Deadline: Jan. 6.