Do you know an ESP who deserves to be recognized for their exemplary work? Nominate them for Education Minnesota’s 2024-25 Education Support Professional of the Year Award.
Since 2007, the ESP of the Year program has recognized outstanding professional and union work by education support professionals across Minnesota. Nominees can be in any ESP job category, including paraprofessional, secretarial or clerical, custodial, food service, maintenance, trades, transportation, groundskeeping, security, technology services, health services and more.
Any current Education Minnesota ESP members whose membership started on or before Aug. 31, 2021, are eligible.

The ESP of the Year represents Minnesota ESPs throughout the profession and connects with their communities as an ambassador of the program. The Education Minnesota ESP of the Year will receive a $1,200 honorarium and their choice of either a Chromebook, iPad or other tablet. The winner will also serve as Minnesota’s nominee for NEA’s ESP of the Year program and will receive an expense-paid trip to the NEA Education Support Professional National Conference.