Home Minnesota Educator Member voices driving work of Unity Campaign

Member voices driving work of Unity Campaign

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Education Minnesota’s Unity Campaign is focusing on electing pro-public education candidates this fall and fighting for what our schools and all of our students, no matter what they look like or where they come from, need to achieve their dreams.

This year has proven that our world can change multiple times within a short period of time. This year has also shown the immense importance of public schools and public educators on our society and in making the systemic change we need.

This fall, while the world is still changing, we have an opportunity to fight for what we need as public educators and what our students need to succeed.

Our families and neighborhoods are stronger, safer and healthier when we come together in moments of joy and celebration, and of illness and crisis. Our public schools are more than a place where kids take tests, they are part of what ties our communities together and, during a normal year, a place where childhood happens.

For too long in Minnesota, we short-changed our public schools by letting the richest 1 percent and the big corporations pay less than their fair share. Some of our kids were forced to learn in packed classrooms, with outdated textbooks, in buildings that need repair, and it was usually kids in Black and brown neighborhoods. We spend less today on funding for public schools than we did in 2003. And the ripple effect from this crisis threatens to make things worse. We can’t repeat the same mistakes of the past. When this crisis ends, Minnesota must ensure all our children have equitable, high-quality schools that enable them to realize their potential.

Education Minnesota’s Unity Campaign is fighting for unbreakable solidarity within our statewide membership by March 1, 2021, for investment in our public schools that co-creates with students, families and community partners a student-centered public education system that is anti-racist, culturally sustaining and meets the needs of every student.

In 2018, we saw that educators have power at the ballot box. We need to do that again, electing pro-public education candidates this November to local, state and national offices. And then we need to use our collective voice again to hold them accountable to provide us the resources our schools need.

Educators in districts across the state are being trained as worksite unity team leaders, who will guide the work in their local unions. If you are interested in joining the campaign and connecting with your colleagues, parents and community members around this work, contact your local union president or Education Minnesota field staff.

The campaign and its goals are being led by a group of educators from across the state, as well as Education Minnesota staff, called the Unity Table.

On the next few pages, you will be introduced to these team members and hear about why they are committed to this work and being a part of the Unity Table.



Education Minnesota leadership