Home Minnesota Educator Free online class provides support for cooperating teachers

Free online class provides support for cooperating teachers

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Education Minnesota members will soon have access to a free online training which they will need in order to have teacher candidates in their classroom.

The Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board adopted a new rule for teacher preparation programs that requires each cooperating teacher paired with a candidate during student teaching and practicum “has completed professional development in coaching strategies for adult learners.”

Cooperating teachers will have to have completed this professional development course by this fall, if they are hosting a teacher candidate in the fall.

Education Minnesota partnered with the Minnesota Association of College of Teacher Education to create a training that would be available to our members at no cost.

The training was developed by Education Minnesota members and staff and representatives from MACTE. It is available on MEA Online, and can be accessed and completed whenever is most convenient for participants. The training provides an overview of adult coaching strategies and offers best practices via theory as well as in the form of interviews with current cooperating teachers and teacher candidates. 

The class will be about an hour long and only available on MEA Online. Members can access it and take it at their own pace.

The content is based on very basic principles of adult learning through videos and questions. Members will also receive a CEU after completing the course.

Watch for more information on Education Minnesota’s website and social media channels about the class and find more information on MEA Online, go to www.educationminnesota.org/resources/professional-development/mea-online.