Home Minnesota Educator Filing period open for Education Minnesota officer, governing board, NEA director positions

Filing period open for Education Minnesota officer, governing board, NEA director positions

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Filing period open for Education Minnesota officer, governing board, NEA director positions
Candidate filings for Education Minnesota officers and National Education Association director positions are open. Candidate filings for Education Minnesota’s governing board election district positions will open Nov. 4.

The three-year terms for president, vice president, and secretary-treasurer will end on June 30, 2025. Currently, these offices are held by President Denise Specht, Vice President Monica Byron and Secretary-Treasurer Rodney Rowe.

The current terms for two NEA director positions held by Jasman Myers and Heather Bakke will expire Aug. 31, 2025.

Education Minnesota is governed by an elected board comprised of one member from each of the union’s 26 election districts. The current three-year terms of these members will expire on June 30, 2025.

Eligible members who wish to run for any of these positions must submit the designated filing form to the Education Minnesota Elections Committee by Dec. 13. Forms are available to complete and submit electronically on the Education Minnesota website. They are also printed below.

To be an eligible candidate for any of these positions, an individual must be an active Education Minnesota member at the time of filing and throughout the election process.

Filing Form for officer

Filing Form for Governing Board – Election District

Filing Form for NEA Director

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