Home February-March 2023 Professional development

Professional development

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Professional development

Earth Science Teacher Education Project

Professional development for high school earth science teachers and sixth-grade teachers is available through Minnesota’s Earth Science Teacher Education Project. ESTEP is available at little to no cost to educators thanks to grant funding. For more information on the offerings, locations and registration, go to www.mnsta.org/cgi/page.cgi/ESTEP.html.


2022-23 Education Minnesota Foundation grants

The Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has multiple grants available this year. For details about the grants and how to apply, go to www.edmnfoundation.org. There’s a grant waiting for you!

Professional Development Grants for teachers, ESPs and higher education faculty

Awarded twice a year, ESPs and teachers may request up to $1,500, and higher education faculty may request up to $3,000 to take the lead in acquiring and sharing new skills and knowledge. A Professional Development Grant can also be used for groups to either attend professional development or be trained at their worksite. Deadline: April 7

Second-Year Classroom Grants

Previous classroom-focused grant recipients may request up to $3,000 to expand on their original objectives, and who have the potential to realize additional goals based on the learning and outcomes of their first grant. Deadline: April 7