Home Events 2024 Minnesota State Fair SAG form

2024 Minnesota State Fair Subject Area Group volunteer

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2024 State Fair Subject Area Group volunteers

Thank you for being part of the Subject Area Group section of the Education Minnesota booth at the 2024 Minnesota State Fair. Please complete this form so that we can send your ticket (by mail) and make sure there is a shirt and expense form for you at the booth.

  1. Subject Area Group Volunteers must be members.
  2. Your group is responsible for staffing your part of the booth from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m.
  3. Members will receive a:
    • State fair ticket for the day you volunteer.
    • Mileage and parking.*
    • A T-shirt
    • Wonderful memories.

*Education Minnesota members will be reimbursed up to $20 for parking (you must have your receipt) and mileage up to $0.20/mile for each car.


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