Position running for: Vice President
Job title: Special Education Teacher
Local name: International Falls Local 331
Email: paulpeterson103@gmail.com
Campaign links:
I am running for the position of Vice President of Education Minnesota with a very specific focus on core labor issues: pensions, pay, and health insurance.
I will not have a focus, comment, or shared ideology on issues that are not directly related to dues paying members compensation or contractual obligations.
I would like to refocus Education Minnesota on its labor roots and win both new and lost potential members with that labor focus.
The 2023 financial report shows that we dropped 1,769 active teacher members and 386 education support members while gaining four locals. There was a gain of over 2,000 potential members. Something needs to change. I am scared to see what the 2024 reports will show.
I have a hierarchy of priority: pensions need to be priority one as Minnesota has some of the highest contribution rates with one of the worst pension benefits at the age of 60 in the nation. We need a career rule with an unreduced option of age 60 with 30 years of service and reduced penalties from NRA for those that do not meet a specific career rule.
Pay increases need to have earmarks at the state level to ensure that “education funding” is spent in ways that directly apply to our labor.
Third, health insurance should be a state pool like Wisconsin has. There are some locals that may be against this, and I would support allowing specific locals to opt out.
I will advocate a move to the popular vote whereby all dues paying members vote for President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer of EdMN instead of utilizing the representative system. This would have to follow the processes within EdMN with changes through the appropriate channels. Every single member should have a specific voice.
I would advocate we adjust our candidate endorsement process, at the state level, to only focus on core labor issues such as:
Do you support allowing educators to retire at or before the age of 60 with no reduction in their pension after 30+ years of service? How might you work towards funding?
Do you support a salary increase that is at or above the level of inflation for teachers? How might you work towards funding?
Do you support allowing educators/district employees into the state employee insurance or forming their own statewide pool? How might you work towards funding?
I would work on and demand a meeting with the Governor regarding pensions and pension equity. If that meeting is denied, I believe membership should know, and I would give active updates on pension progress with the Governor and his staff. Are your voices being heard?
Do not let non-labor priorities cost us money or create battles with the general public.
Labor First.
Pension Equity.
Earmarked Funding for Salaries.
Affordable Health Insurance.
In Solidarity,
Paul Peterson
Local 331, International Falls