Position running for: NEA Director (Position 2)
Job title: Special Education & Social Studies Teacher
Local name: St. Louis County
Email: adonais323@gmail.com
Campaign links:
I am a proud social studies and special education teacher of over a decade at Northeast Range High School in the St. Louis County School District, deep in the heart of Minnesota’s Iron Range. Growing up, I saw the transformative power of a good union job, raising my family out of poverty and delivering us firmly to the middle class. Today, I benefit from a good union contract that previous generations of unionism built.
I am running for NEA Director to represent all of Minnesota’s locals, large and small. The NEA is a massive organization of over 3 million members with the largest local having over 35 thousand members. We all need a voice to speak our concerns at the national level. Coming from a local of 140 members and a building of 20 members, our challenges can look different than larger locals, but the solution usually comes down to organizing.
I began my union journey as an aspiring educator at UMD and attended the NEA Rep Assembly. Within 6 months of being an active teacher, I was asked to step in as our local treasurer due to a resignation. I haven’t turned back since. From completing the financials as treasurer to sitting in board rooms as a negotiator, it is always worth it to keep our organization in good order and improve the lives of our members. Taking on the role of governing board representative in 2023 has been a tremendously positive learning experience. I have learned listening to board members from across EdMN’s more than 350 locals that our challenges may look different, but the solution usually boils down organizing.
Expand the Minnesota Model of Unionism – Our power comes from our members and grassroots action. Our collective voice, starting at the local level, is a powerful agent for change. The EdMN Organizing for Settlement Fund and our worksite action leaders, such as pension advocates, are examples of how we do organizing the right way in Minnesota. That voice deserves a seat at the table of NEA.
Fully Fund IDEA – Federal mandates should be paid for by the federal government. I will lobby our representatives and senators for full funding of the Individuals with Disabilities Act. We saw big wins in negotiations after the special education cross subsidy aid was increased from 6% to 44%. Closing the special education funding gap levels the playing field for our poorest school districts and returns more state funding to the general fund for negotiating power.
Equal Representation for All – Minnesota deserves to have all of our voices heard. NEA needs to eliminate the archaic merger penalty from the previous generation. We pay 100% of the dues we are asked to pay, show up 100% committed, and put it 100% effort. We deserve 100% representation at the national level.
I’m excited to learn more about the challenges and opportunities in front of members and locals and look forward to a hard fought campaign. Thank you for considering me for NEA Director!
Testimonial 1
I have worked with Aaron for over 10 years as members of our exec board. Aaron has a passion for organizing the fight for school funding as well as fair contracts. He works to be sure our 140 members feel the unity and strength of EdMN. Teaching in rural areas presents challenges. His voice assures members’ challenges are heard and addressed at all levels. I know Aaron will work to represent all of Minnesota and ensure our profession is valued and respected.
Jacque Horvat
President, Local 1406
Testimonial 2
Aaron Donais has the union experience to be an exceptional NEA Director. Being involved at the local, state, and national level, he possesses a wealth of union experience and vast knowledge about educational issues. Aaron would focus on changing the way that federal mandates are funded and eliminating the NEA penalty for merged states. He speaks up about his concerns and ideas and is willing to do the hard work.
Janelle Hart
Governing Board Representative
Ely Education Association Treasurer
Testimonial 3
I have enjoyed watching Aaron diligently grow as an active member of EdMN. We are fortunate to have him bring his many gifts and talents to our union’s leadership opportunities. Three exemplary talents that he poses are: being a strong communicator, collaborator and critical thinker. I strongly support Aaron and encourage you to join me in voting for him!
Jamie S. Alsleben
Eden Prairie Education Association #7073
Governing Board Representative, Election District W