Home Education Headlines Five selected as 2021-22 ESP of the Year finalists

Five selected as 2021-22 ESP of the Year finalists

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Five education support professionals from around the state have been named finalists for the 2021-22 Education Minnesota ESP of the Year award.

The finalists are:

  • Mark Bauch, Saint Paul Federation of Educators, education assistant.
  • Annette Davis, Robbinsdale Federation of Teachers, education assistant.
  • Tequila Laramee, Minneapolis Federation of Teachers and ESPs, associate educator.
  • Lorie Leske, Rochester Paraprofessional Association, paraprofessional.
  • Char Van Bergen, Education Minnesota Buffalo ESPs, special education paraprofessional.

Finalists will now take part in an interview with the selection committee. The winner will be announced at a ceremony on Wednesday, Nov. 17, which is ESP Day during American Education Week.

The selection committee consists of:

  • Education Minnesota’s vice president.
  • Education Minnesota’s executive director.
  • The previous year’s ESP of the Year Award winner.
  • Education Minnesota Governing Board member (ESP or teacher).
  • A representative of another education stakeholder organization.

The ESP of the Year receives a $1,200 honorarium; their choice of a Chromebook, iPad or other tablet; and an expense-paid trip to the National Education Association’s Education Support Professional National Conference.

In addition to recognition at the state level, the Education Minnesota ESP of the Year represents our union in the NEA ESP of the Year program.

Education Minnesota has honored ESPs with this statewide award since 2007.