Education Minnesota calls for Legislature to use small budget surplus to invest in educators 

Education Minnesota calls for Legislature to use small budget surplus to invest in educators 

Reversing the pervasive shortage of educators in Minnesota’s public education systems should be a top priority for the 2024 Legislature as lawmakers consider how to spend a small budget surplus forecasted on Wednesday, said Denise Specht, president of Education Minnesota. 

Education Minnesota increases voter outreach in response to unprecedented outside spending on school board races

Education Minnesota increases voter outreach in response to unprecedented outside spending on school board races

Education Minnesota has increased its outreach to school board voters through a digital advertising campaign in response to a sprawling effort to restrict what Minnesota students may learn and educators may teach. 

2023 MEA conference

2023 MEA conference

Thousands of educators from across Minnesota will attend the annual MEA conference on Thursday, where they will hear from various speakers and choose from dozens of classes intended to help them meet the needs of their students. The Minnesota Educator Academy conference is an annual tradition since 1861.