AFT Convention
July 16-19, 2026
Washington, D.C.
This biennial convention is the most important policymaking body of the federation. The vitality and democracy of the union depend upon participation in the convention by delegates from all affiliates in good standing. Important resolutions, constitution and bylaws amendments, as well as the election of the AFT president, secretary-treasurer, executive vice president and 43 vice presidents, will be in the hands of delegates from each state.
Questions? Contact the AFT directly at 800-238 -1133 or Janel Engesser, Education Minnesota’s AFT Convention coordinator, at 651-227-9541 or 800-652-9073.
July 25-27, 2025
Washington, D.C.
AFT TEACH (Together Educating America’s Children) is a biennial professional development conference.
Education Minnesota provides funding for one member from each election district, as well as one statewide/higher education member and one education support professional member, to attend the conference.
Questions? Contact Janel Engesser.
NEA Representative Assembly
July 2-6, 2025
Portland, Oregon
According to the NEA, more than 8,000 members attend the annual meeting and Representative Assembly. While there, RA delegates propose, debate and take action on new business items and other association policies, and vote by secret ballot on proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws. Executive officers, Executive Committee members and at-large members of the NEA Board of Directors are elected.
Delegates are elected by Education Minnesota members.
Questions? Contact Janel Engesser.