The Education Minnesota Political Action Committee (PAC) is a group of educators from across the state who guide our union’s political and election programs. It is not affiliated with any political party.
The PAC was formed to create political power for educators.
Members are democratically appointed
The PAC is governed by a board of educators, comprised of one representative from each Education Minnesota regional election district, one higher education/statewide affiliate representative, one ESP representative, one retiree member and the Education Minnesota constitutional officers. Board members serve one-year terms. Board members are appointed by the Education Minnesota president and approved by the executive committee of Education Minnesota’s elected governing board. All members are eligible to seek appointment to the PAC.
- Educate, support and strengthen the commitment of the citizens and the government to excellence in public education at all levels.
- Promote and strive for the improvement of the public schools.
- Encourage educators to know and understand the nature and actions of their government and the important political issues as they pertain to public education.
- Elect candidates who support the mission of Education Minnesota
- Increase political action and voter participation of Education Minnesota members.
Educators make candidate endorsements
The PAC makes candidate endorsements representing the collective voice of 84,000 educators. Candidates from all political parties are entitled to seek Education Minnesota endorsement and the PAC regularly endorses Democratic and Republican candidates.
Members pay PAC dues
Elected member delegates vote at Education Minneaota’s annual business meeting to assess PAC dues. Regular member dues do not fund the PAC and all members may choose to opt-out of the yearly PAC contribution.
Board members
Find your PAC board representative:
Election districts and zones map
PDF, 40 pages, 10MB
Election District A
Kim Davidson
Contact Kim
Election District B
Carl Soderberg
Contact Carl
Election District C
Karen Rubado
Pequot Lakes
Contact Karen
Election District D
Sharon Martin
Contact Sharon
Election District E
Election District F
Stephen Browning
St. Cloud
Contact Stephen
Election District G
Zach Brandt
Contact Zach
Election District H
Beth Isaacson
Albert Lea
Contact Beth
Election District I
Sarah Dixen
Contact Sarah
Election District J
Stephen Cade
Contact Stephen
Election District K
John Bartholow
St. Peter
Contact John
Election District L
Leah Hood
Contact Leah
Election District M
Heather Mathews
Dakota County United Educators
Contact Heather
Election District N
Ona Wilcox
South Washington County
Contact Ona
Election District O
Election District P
Natasha Dockter
Contact Natasha
Election District Q
Karin Hogen
White Bear Lake
Contact Karin
Election District R
Election District S
Laura Bratland
Contact Laura
Election District T
Ternesha Burroughs
Contact Ternesha
Election District U
Jeremy Peterson
Chisago Lakes
Contact Jeremy
Election District V
Election District W
Charles Cooper
Eden Prairie
Contact Charles
Election District X
Trish Fenner
Contact Trish
Election District Y
Kirsten Morcomb
Contact Kirsten
Election District Z
Erica Wood
Contact Erica
ESP Representative
Higher Ed/SREA Representative
Chelsey Tulgren
State Residential Schools
Contact Chelsey
Education Minnesota Retired
Sue Witt
Contact Sue