The most effective advocates for public schools in Minnesota are the front-line educators who guide our students toward successful lives every day, which is why Education Minnesota has made it easier than ever for members to participate in lobby days.
Local lobby days will be scheduled and coordinated by local leadership and EdMN staff as they have been in the past. In 2025, these can be in-person or virtual.
How to schedule a local lobby day
When your local or intermediate organization has details of their lobby days finalized, please send the following information to Benjamin Broze before your scheduled date:
- Date of visit (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are best)
- List of locals attending
- List of members and email contact information
- Names of legislators who will be visited and time of visit
Education Minnesota staff will provide a 30-minute briefing for members on your lobby day. The briefing will include:
- A brief review of issues to be lobbied, our position on those issues and information about the legislators members will visit.
- Editing help, as needed, for the stories to be shared during the lobby visit.
- Information we need from legislator visits before members log off for the day.