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TRA Board of Trustees candidate questionnaire

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Please complete the questionnaire below to be included in our TRA Board Voter Information Guide, which will be shared with Education Minnesota members during the voting period.

TRA Board of Trustees Questionnaire

"*" indicates required fields

Are you an Education Minnesota member?*
Are you a Tier 1 or Tier 2 TRA member? (Were you TRA eligible before or after June 30, 1989?)*
Are you currently, or have you ever served, on the TRA Board of Trustees?*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
1. Why are you running for this position? *
2. How will you balance the fiduciary responsibility of being a TRA Board Member with the advocacy needed to improve teacher pensions? *
3. What do you think are the most pressing issues facing TRA? *
4. What ideas do you have for improving or changing the TRA system? *
5. What relationship should the TRA Board of Trustees and the executive director have with the Legislature? With Education Minnesota? With TRA members? *
6. TRA is currently a defined benefit system. Please tell us what you know about defined benefit and defined contribution plans. Which plan do you believe would serve our membership the best? *
7. How would you respond to a projected shortfall or deficit in the fund? What changes would you recommend, and when? Which stakeholders should bear responsibility for a solution? *
8. What is your idea of an equitable pension plan for all Minnesota teachers? *
9. Education Minnesota’s Governing Board has a position in support of the Education Minnesota Pension Advisory Group recommendations. Do you support or oppose the following recommendations from the Education Minnesota Pension Advisory Group? Why or why not?
a. An unreduced career rule of 60 years of age and 30 years of service (must attain both).*
b. Lowering base penalties to from 7% to 5% from ages 59-64. *
c. Low-cost improvements to the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) by eliminating the COLA delay and accelerating the scheduled COLA increase from 1.2% to 1.5% in 2028. *

10. Please provide a summary of your qualifications for the TRA Board, including your experience with TRA and pensions. *