Tiered licensure

In 2017, the state Legislature approved a new way to license teachers in Minnesota. 

This tiered system is meant to be less confusing, but the new law is still complicated at best. Read and download our infographic below for a streamlined explanation of the new licenses and their requirements.

Tiered licensure infographic
1 pg., PDF, 170KB

Licensure sites

Below are possible sources of continuing education credit. Inclusion here does not constitute endorsement; these are provided only as a resource. Please check with your local continuing education committee to determine whether it will accept credits from these sources.

Paraprofessional credential

Educators must meet three criteria to apply for the paraprofessional credential:

  • Two years’ experience as a paraprofessional in the same district.
  • Successful completion of the ParaPro test.
  • Sufficient evidence in meeting all competencies with a minimum of 60 total clock hours.

The Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board has more detailed information on its website

Paras may apply during April and November each year.

Download the Paraprofessional Credential Competency Grid here!

For more information on the paraprofessional credential, contact: